Alexander Cigar Merchants: A Leading Online Supplier of CigarsAlexander Cigar Merchants is a leading online supplier of cigars, offering a wide range of Cuban and non-Cuban cigars, as well as cigar accessories like cutters, lighters, and humidors. The company has gained a reputation as an expert in the cigar industry, with years of experience in the field.The company was founded in 1990 by a group of friends who shared a passion for cigars. Their love of cigars led them to start importing Cuban cigars, which were still legal at the time. Alexander Cigar Merchants quickly grew to become one of Australia's leading cigar retailers, offering a range of high-quality cigars from all over the world.Over the years, Alexander Cigar Merchants has built up a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the cigar industry, which is reflected in the quality of the products they offer. The company prides itself on sourcing only the very best cigars, from the world's most respected brands and manufacturers.Alexander Cigar Merchants stocks a range of Cuban cigars, including popular brands like Cohiba, Partagás, and Montecristo. These cigars are considered among the best in the world, with a rich and complex flavor that is unrivaled by other cigars. The company also offers a range of non-Cuban cigars, which are often more affordable and can be just as enjoyable as their Cuban counterparts.In addition to cigars, Alexander Cigar Merchants also stocks a range of cigar accessories. These include cutters, lighters, and humidors, which are essential for enjoying a good cigar. The company offers a range of high-quality accessories from leading brands, ensuring that customers have everything they need to fully enjoy their cigars.One of the things that sets Alexander Cigar Merchants apart from other cigar retailers is their commitment to customer service. The company prides itself on offering a friendly and knowledgeable service, with staff on hand to answer any questions customers may have. The company also offers free shipping on orders over $150, making it easy and affordable to buy cigars and accessories online.Alexander Cigar Merchants has become a trusted name in the cigar industry, offering a range of high-quality cigars and accessories that are loved by enthusiasts around the world. The company's commitment to customer service and passion for cigars has made it one of the most respected online retailers in Australia.In conclusion, if you are a cigar lover, Alexander Cigar Merchants is the place to go for all your cigar and cigar accessories needs. The company offers a wide range of Cuban and non-Cuban cigars, as well as high-quality accessories that are designed to make the most of your smoking experience. With years of experience and a commitment to customer service, Alexander Cigar Merchants is the go-to destination for cigar enthusiasts in Australia.
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